Please put the correct verb tense.

Remember: An example of a verb tense error would be putting did instead of does in a sentence such as:

Alexes has asked me to get a spider out of her room. The trouble is that I hate creepy crawlies as much as she did.


There are two verb tense errors in this paragraph. Correct them:

In the past, staff are asked to hand in their holiday forms to Alex. From now on, we wanted you to hand them into Niamh.

There are two verb tense errors in this paragraph. Correct them:

Apprenticeships in this country have had along and interesting history. The next coming decade promised to be no different. The current government had begun to implement new policy changes and hope that with in the next four or five years, the new and improved apprenticeship framework will help even larger numbers of young people find work.

There is one verb tense error in this paragraph. Correct it:

Be sides pay, summer jobs were an invaluable way for young people to gain confidence and new skills. They are about much more than simply earning a few extra pounds over the summer holidays. They’re also great for when you start looking for a ‘proper’ job, as when the time comes , you don’t want to be one of the empty CV ssitting on an employer’s desk.

Thank you!!!

Respuesta :

In the past, staff were asked to hand in their holiday forms to Alex. From now on, we want you to hand them into Niamh.

Apprenticeships in this country have had a long and interesting history. The next coming decade promises to be no different. The current government has begun to implement new policy changes and hope that with in the next four or five years, the new and improved apprenticeship framework will help even larger numbers of young people find work.

Besides pay, summer jobs are an invaluable way for young people to gain confidence and new skills. They are about much more than simply earning a few extra pounds over the summer holidays. They’re also great for when you start looking for a ‘proper’ job, as when the time comes, you don’t want to be one of the empty CV sitting on an employer’s desk.
P.S. Could I have a brainliest? I need 5 of them
1.Staff where, not are. We want, not wanted.
2.Promises to, not promised. Has begun, not had.
3. Are invaluable, not were.