Respuesta :

The correct answer is D. Denotative


The meaning of a word is the sense a word has or what a word is intended to express, most words had at least a connotative and a denotative meaning but can also have other types of meanings. In the case of the denotative meaning, this refers to the meaning or idea that describes a word and that has been agreed by the speakers of a language, which means the denotative meaning is the general meaning a word has and that is usually listed in dictionaries. This means, the denotative meaning does not depend on the perception or perspective of an individual as in the case of connotative meaning but is mainly universal for all the speakers of a specific language. Thus, the literal "dictionary" definition of a word which is the definition agreed by the speakers of a language is the denotative meaning of words.

The answer is D. The literal, "dictionary" definition of a word is its denotative meaning.




A word is the smallest form of both written and spoken forms of language. There are two main principal methods of correctly describing the meaning of a word or words. These two methods are through Connotation and Denotation. Connotation meaning of a word is described through a vast array of positive and negative connections that most words naturally have with them.  

Denotation meaning is the accurate, literal definition of a word that can be found in a dictionary. Most cases of language difficulty revolve around the connotative and denotative meaning of a word, giving cases like non-native speakers often encounter difficulty finding the emotion and the positive and negative connection regarding the word, whereas native speakers may use the word correctly albeit unconsciously.  

The most common case that we can make an example to better understand the usage of denotation and connotation meaning of a word is to compare between the usages of home and house. If we look up both of these words in the dictionary, it will roughly translate into “a dwelling place”. We can take a look however in this sentence:

-You may live in a house, but we live in a home.

The sentence above suggests that both house and home did not have the same understanding or emotion if understood by the connotative meaning.  Although home and house have the same meaning in the dictionary or denotative understanding, they evoke various feelings, memories, and images if seen through the connotative meaning behind each word.


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KEYWORD: dictionary, denotative, word, meaning of word, denotative meaning, connotation, denotation  

Subject: English

Class: 10-12

Subchapter: Word