Urgent! Two questions! (Pre Calc) (30 points)
1)Which sum or difference identity would you use to verify that sin (90° + q) = cos q?
a. cos (a -b) = cos a cos b + sin a sin b
b. sin (a +b) = sin a cos b + cos a sin b
c. sin (a -b) = sin a cos b- cos a sin b
d. cos (a +b) = cos a cos b - sin a sin b
2) When an alternating current of frequency (f) and a peak current (I) passes through a resistance (R), then the power delivered to the resistance at a time (t) seconds is P=(I^2)(R)(sin^2)(pi)(ft).
Write an expression for the power in terms of (csc^2)(2)(pi)(ft).
See image attached for options a, b, c and d and actual question 2.