
In at least 200 words, explain how the following line, which Oedipus says in the First Episode, supports the play's major themes: OEDIPUS: This polluting stain I will remove, not for some distant friend, but for myself.

Respuesta :

A major theme in Oedipus is the theme of pride. The play proves the truth of the idea that pride goes before a fall.

Here, Oedipus is saying that he will remove "this polluting stain" for himself. He does not show concern for anyone else, especially not the citizens he rules. He is motivated only by pride.

It is important to note that pride brought "this polluting stain" down upon them to begin with, as it was pride that led Oedipus to slay Laius.

And so, this line (and the play as a whole) illustrates the dangers of pride.