
The media impacts our values and beliefs about marriage both in a positive and negative way. Critically discuss both sides of this debate

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The media impacts our values and beliefs about marriage both in a positive and negative way. It is a well-known fact that the media plays a powerful role in impacting our values and beliefs about marriage. It can both confuse and educate us about how we should be treated, and treat, our partners in a marriage. If we look at the rate that celebrity marriages fail, it can encourage us to end a marriage for petty issues that often can be worked through if both partners are committed to making the marriage work. On the other hand, there are often valid reasons for ending a marriage. The best example where the media can alert people to a valid reason for ending a marriage is when the person is in an abusive marriage and does not know it, or does not know how to get out of the relationship.

There are both aspects positive and negative.

When knowledge about an exciting married couple is published, viewers who are partnered will get reaffirmation of their confinement and marriage vows. Couples who are should trouble with their marriage will see hope and work for the improvement of their union. Individuals who used to be espoused will see that there is still the opportunity to love again and he or she is still competent in performing him or herself to his or her ultimate life partner.

Positive: we can have hope on a blissfully married life and understand what a comradeship consists of Media could encourage people to look forward to marriage

Negative: we can think separation is worth it because we gain something Media highlights the contradictory appearances of marriage then the positive.