Why did Christian missionaries have greater success at conversion of indigenous peoples of Mexico and Peru, than in the North American colonies?
a. Christian missionaries in Mexico and Peru found it easier to convert the indigenous peoples under Spanish rule because the natives had settled, sedentary urban cultures and thus were much more accessible
b. Christian missionaries in North America insisted on a stricter interpretation of Christianity than did their South American counterparts
c. Christian missionaries in Mexico and Peru often found willing converts through military action and forced conversions
d. The traditional religions of Mexico and Peru were more compatible with Christianity than were the more pagan religions of the Hurons and Iroquois

Respuesta :

One of the reasons why Christian missionaries had greater success at the conversion of indigenous peoples of Mexico and Peru, than in the North American colonies was because "a. Christian missionaries in Mexico and Peru found it easier to convert the indigenous peoples under Spanish rule because the natives had settled, sedentary urban cultures and thus were much more accessible," since the Natives in the North were far more scattered.