Where will you go on your trip?
You approach a railroad crossing with a cross buck sign that has no lights or gates. What should you do?
You arrive at an intersection with traffic lights that are not working because of a power outage. What do you do?
There is a flashing yellow light at the intersection you are approaching. What does the flashing yellow light indicate, and what should you do to safely navigate this intersection?
On the road you are traveling, the pavement markings change from broken white lines to solid white lines between the lanes of traffic. What does the line change mean?
After an hour on the expressway, your passengers need to use the restroom and they want to get some food. As you approach the next exit, what color sign will you look for, and what type of information would you expect to see on that sign?
When you take the exit ramp off the expressway and merge onto the next road, you see yellow lines dividing the roadway. What do the yellow lines tell you about the traffic flow?

Respuesta :

We usually see yellow lines when the road is for 2 way. Meaning the road is divided for 2 traffic counter traffic flow.
When you were able to cross from one way to the other way which is separated by the yellow line, then expect that you are doing counter flow and you are doing a violation.
There are different kind of lines that are being put in the road, the broken white line, the broad white line and more.
And all of them has different kind of meaning.
Broken white lines - you can change your lane as long as it is safe
Solid white line - you must stay on your lane