Respuesta :

In Chapter Five of Lord of the Flies, after the debacle of the meeting that Ralph has called in order to impress upon the boys the importance of maintaining the fire and to explain that the beast does not exist, disorder reigns as the boys laugh at suggestions of bathroom activities and ignore the logical arguments of Piggy against the beast.

Then, Jack asserts his authority by shouting,

Bollucks to the rules!  We're strong,--we hunt!  If there's a beast, we'll hunt it down!  We'll close in on it and beat and beat and beat--!

With this assertion of brute force, Jack and the hunters move on.  Piggy tells Jack that he is afraid of Jack because Jack hates him.  He, then, tells Ralph,

I tell you what.  He hates you too, Ralph--....You got him over the fire; an' you're chief an' he isn't.

Piggy and Ralph both realize that they are not equipped to deal with Jack and the hunters who are degenerating into savages who have a lust for hunting and are afraid of things in the dark:

The three boys stood in the darkness, striving unsuccessfully to convey the majesty of adult life.

That is Simon, Piggy, and Jack realize that they are unable to make things work:  they cannot resolve the conflicts of trying to keep the boys orderly and Jack and Roger and those like them under control.