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The statement is partially correct, the laws would be extreme in numbers and there would be far more punishments than a state with a moderate amount of laws. There would be more laws or regulations broken or violated when it would regard certain things. But the number of laws however does not exactly show how corrupt the state may be, but how extensive or extreme the punishments for the crime would be.

Rules and regulations are framed to guide societies. However, it is true that the more corrupt the state is, the more numerous the laws. When there are numerous laws in a society, people might more easily engage in activities that are considered crimes in society. Also, in a bid to escape the long arms of the law, people might become more disposed to give bribes and engage in shortcuts. This will cause the legislature to create more laws to curb the excesses of the people. A corrupt society is marked by disorder and irregularities. This will prompt the need for more laws. In societies where the law is kept, there will be no need to create more laws as there is existing order.

  • The above is a 120 words explanation of the statement, "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws."

  • There is a need for more laws in a corrupt society because people are always devising more ways to beat the existing laws.

  • In an honest and corruption-free society, there will be no need for more laws to control the people.

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