Respuesta :

There are only five health-related fitness components and these are: 
a. Cardiovascular Endurance - refers to the ability of your circulatory and respiratory systems, how they work together.
b. Muscular Strength - the maximum amount force that your muscles can exert in one effort.
c. Muscular Endurance - the ability of your muscles to perform without feeling easily fatigued.
d. Flexibility - the ability of your joints to move and bend through a full range of motion.
e. Body composition - refers to the proportions of your lean and fat tissue.

Answer and Explanation:

Below are the five component of health-related fitness:

  1. Heart and Lung endurance:

Capability to operate the whole body for an extended duration of time. It needs a sound heart, strong lungs, and apparent blood vessels to satisfy the body with oxygen. Exercises to promote health in this domain involve running, swimming and aerobic dance.

      2. Muscular Strength:

The quantity of force you can establish ahead with your muscles. It is usually estimated by how much weight you can elevate. Men with power have fewer problems with backaches and can bring out their everyday tasks efficiently.

     3. Muscular Endurance

The capacity to use the muscles, which are associated with the bones, several times without growing weak. Men with sufficient muscular endurance are expected to have a healthier position, have less back problems, and be completely able to hold fatigue than individuals who lack muscular endurance.

      4. Flexibility

 The strength to practice your joints sufficiently. You are resilient when the tissues are long adequate and the joints are loose enough to provide movement. Men with sufficient flexibility have less soreness and damaged muscles.

      5. Body composition

The rate of body mass that is fat related to other body tissue, such as bone and muscle. Men who have a high rate of fat are also possible to be ill and have a larger death rate than thin people. Body composition can be estimated using an apparatus called callipers, a specific scale, or it can be determined by the body mass index (BMI).