Respuesta :
"The carpenter was suffering particularly, but he showed grit and spirit. Vincent had for the past week ceased to be an active member of the crew, and I could not easily account for his collapse. Physically he was one of the strongest men in the boat. He was a young man, he had served on North Sea trawlers, and he should have been able to bear hardships better than McCarthy, who, not so strong, was always happy."
Also, this sentence: " But our revived spirits were not to be damped by difficulties on the last stage of the journey, and we camped cheerfully for breakfast."
Also, this sentence: " But our revived spirits were not to be damped by difficulties on the last stage of the journey, and we camped cheerfully for breakfast."
Answers are: (1) The Carpenter was suffering particularly, but he showed grit and spirit. (2) But our revived spirits were not to be damped by difficulties on the last stage of the journey, and we camped cheerfully for breakfast.
Absolutely positive this is the correct answer.