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Hello there!

We are going to consider at least 3 aspects to (why) women would suffer depression more than men do.

1.) One reason to why women would suffer from depression would be because we have to remember, in a marriage bond, the women would want this relation with her husband more than the husband. Wives or also women in general are very sensitive. They aquire a lot of information and they also think ALOT. By you thinking alot, you would know more than the "Average Joe". As they think on things (especially if bad), this could drain them down and make them feel depresses.

2.) It is proven that most likely AFTER giving birth to a child, her level of depression would rise. So in other way of saying this, they would most likely have a lot more of a depression vibe around them. So as we would need to keep this in mind, IT HAS BEEN PROVEN through many works of scientist based through research that after pregnancy and baby is born, there would be a higher level of depression.

3.) This last option would be something to really consider. Men don't "really" like to show their emotion. So if they're sad, they'll hide those tears or there face and try to be tough. But once again. Women are highly different. Women wouldn't mind showing their feelings, this is why it Could be noticed that they're feeling a bit down. And we should also consider this, I'm not sure what it was called, but there is something that men do not have that women do have which allows for them to be more depressed. Its like some disorder. But at the same time it is not. It is just something that would have to be handled correctly.

So,based from what he have considered, we have covered 3 ways on why women would have more of a depression to them and why men do not also.

I hope this helps you, and feel free to ask another question!