Respuesta :

I believe it was called the cross of gold.


At the Democratic National Convention Bryan gave a moving speech titled “The Cross of Gold”.


The Cross of Gold speech was a speech by William Jennings Bryan, a former US Congressman from Nebraska, held on July 9, 1896 at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, before the presidential election of 1896.

In the speech, Bryan advocated bimetallicism or "free silver", which he meant to give the nation prosperity. He took the gold standard away from him and ended the speech with the words "you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold". The background was that the Americans for 20 years had been bitterly divided on the question of which monetary system the nation would avail itself of. The gold standard, which the United States had had since 1873, led to a tight increase in the money supply, but lubricated the trade with other countries, primarily the United Kingdom, which also had the currency linked to gold. Many Americans thought, however, that bimetallism was better, that both gold and silver would be legal tender.