Respuesta :

Situation number 1.

There is an assorted example of exponential growth as it involves to the actual world. For example, a woman is believing to have brought 24 kangaroos to Australia in the early 1900s so that he could chase or hunt them; though, rabbits have no ordinary slayers in Australia, and so the inhabitants grew out of control. Within five years, so many kangaroos had dropped away from these 14 first kangaroos that thousands could be slaughtered without making an indentation in the population.The actual secret to exponential growth is this - not only do kangaroos have children, but their children have children, as do their children's children. The new growth rises just as more rapid as the growth you have begun with. 

Situation number 2.

It's a lot similar outspreading gossip or controversy about your ex-boyfriend: you might only tell your three best friends since childhood, that your ex cries during chick flip, but each of them tells a group of others, and sooner there is no one in your place that doesn't know his secret.