In a famous science fiction movie, a group of scientists in a submarine are miniaturized and injected into a patient's bloodstream. Their mission is to travel to the patient's brain and remove a blood clot that has caused the patient to become comatose. During their journey to the brain, the shrunken scientists encounter many of the structures discussed in this lesson and have some dangerous encounters with them. They have to move quickly to avoid being attacked by the patient's immune system, which recognizes them as foreign objects. For this discussion, imagine yourself as one of these scientists. Respond to the following questions from the viewpoint of traveling through a patient's bloodstream in a miniaturized submarine.
1. What type of blood cell would pose the greatest threat to you? Explain the reason for your choice.
2.Imagine that your miniaturized submarine is attacked by a defensive blood cell. Write a short description about the specific type of blood cell that includes its appearance and the attack.
3. Besides the defensive blood cells, what other threats would you face from the patient's immune system? Describe a few structures that would attempt to destroy you and the way they would attempt to do this.