The scale on a map is 1 cm:35 mi. The distance on the map between Los Angeles, CA, and San Francisco, CA, is 10.8 cm. What is the actual distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco?

Respuesta :

It is 378 miles. :)
this is answer

Step 1: Let us assign variable for the unknown that we need to find.

' x ' be the actual distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco

Step 2: Set up an equation based on the given statement "The scale on a map is 1 cm:35 mi. The distance on the map between Los Angeles, CA, and San Francisco, CA, is 10.8 cm."

[tex] \frac{distance \; in \; cm}{distance\; in\; miles}=\frac{1}{35}=\frac{10.8}{x} \\ \\ Cross \; Multiply\\ \\ 1 \cdot x = 35 \cdot 10.8\\ \\ x = 378 [/tex]


The actual distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco is 378 miles.