Respuesta :

The first stage Begins from the onset of true labour and lasts until the cervix is completely dilated to 10 cm. The second stage Continues after the cervix is dilated to 10 cm until the delivery of your baby. The third stage is the delivery of the placenta and is the shortest stage.
Hope this helps:D
Have a great rest of a brainly day!
  • 1st stage of birth delivery: cervical dilation:  This is the longest phase of labor. The cervix begins to dilate and thin as it prepares for the baby's passage through the birth canal and birth. This phase is subdivided into two that correspond to the different moments of cervical dilatation: the latent phase and the active phase.
  • 2nd stage of delivery: expulsion of the baby: The second stage of delivery begins with the cervix completely dilated (10cm) and ends with the expulsion of the newborn. In this period the contractions have frequency every minute and duration of 60 or more seconds. At the same time as the uterus contracts, the baby presses against the pelvis, which increases the urge to push the baby out, this is where the doctor or midwife will tell you when it is safe to start doing so (it is important that with each contraction, the pregnant woman takes a deep breath in and then does not let the breath out while she is pushing. In addition, she should take advantage of the interval between two contractions to relax and regain strength).
  • 3rd stage of delivery: Placental expulsion (dehumidification): The final stage of labor begins immediately after the birth of the baby and ends with the expulsion of the placenta into the uterus (placental dequittation) and membranes after detachment. The uterus continues to contract and the placenta then exits through the vagina. After expulsion, the medical team checks that there is no residue of pregnancy in the uterine cavity and birth canal and that there are no bleeding (if there is episiotomy, it is also sutured).