Identify whether the following views about war belonged to the Spanish conquistadores or the Aztec. fought wars primarily to take prisonersdidn’t hesitate to instantly kill the conquered peoplefought wars primarily to gain land and richesoffered the conquered people to gods as sacrifices

Respuesta :

C is definetley describing conqiscadors all otehr three describes aztecs
  • Aztecs: fought wars primarily to take prisoners;  offered the conquered people to gods as sacrifices:  Wars played an important role in the religion of the Aztecs, since prisoners of war were sacrificed in religious ceremonies. So from the point of view of the Aztecs, it was more interesting to imprison the enemies to sacrifice them later than to kill them in combat. With the conquest of new territories by the Aztecs, wars became rarer.
  • Spanish - did not hesitate to instantly kill conquered people; fought wars mainly to gain lands and riches: The cruel slaughter of natives, as well as greed and thirst for precious metals, was something characteristic of the Spanish conquistadors, who did not hesitate to kill the conquered people if this helped to increase the wealth of Spain