Form two real words by combining a prefix and/or suffix with the root listed below. If you need to, use your dictionary. Then illustrate that the word has the meaning of that root by using one of those words in a sentence.

Example: dic, dict=to say

1. addiction

2. edict

The judge's edict was the final say in that matter.

mit, mis=send

Respuesta :

1. contradict
His facts contradicted what he claimed yesterday.

2. predict
He predicted the future.

Hope this is what you wanted!
Let me know if you need anything else!
~ Zoe

1. mission

The squad was sent on a mission to retrieve the lost amulet of Ynaffit.

The suffix used is (sion) that makes a word a noun. Mis is obviously the root word. A mission is a task that a person is sent away to accomplish.

2. remit

The Etsy seller was unable to process payment by electronic transfer, so we had to remit payment using our credit card.

Remit means to send again. It uses the prefix /re/ which means again, and the root word /mit/ which means to send.