Respuesta :
In regarss to the speech first, I would include simple but funny stories to include in my speech. The speech should be well written and mad to make the audience laugh. The night before, practice the speech in front of the mirror or in front of a couple of friends. For the video presentation, add pictures related to the bride and groom. Add music thats easy to the ears and make the presentation work with the wedding color scheme. The night before, practice your speech so you dont forget it when it comes time to deliver it.
Answers will vary, but should describe the preparation process and any steps taken to overcome apprehension. For example: - Carefully prepare video presentation - Check equipment ahead of time at the venue - Prepare remarks on notecards - Practice the presentation many times - Visualize the presentation ahead of time - Think positively about the performance - Breathe deeply before going on stage - Do warm-up exercises for body and voice
What is said on the practice assignment. Includes guidelines, expectations, and examples. Though, the answer above will count as correct if you use that.