People's party scientific management vertical integration settlement houses farmer's alliance american federation of labor haymarket massacre freedmen's bureau homestead act coxey's army radical reconstruction dawes severalty act new immigration or new immigrants homestead strike social darwinism social gospel sherman anti-trust act pure food and drug act
a. law which tried to replace traditional native american culture with american culture based on farming and individual land ownership
b. political party organized by farmers and workers who felt they were losing ground in america in the 1890s
c. federal agency established during reconstruction to help freed slaves get on their feet
d. urban homes set up to help poor immigrant women in inner cities with childcare, health issues and employment
e. republican-controlled effort to rebuild the south after the civil war and encourage an interracial society with equal rights for freedmen f. gilded age belief that people in society naturally succeeded or failed based on their own talents, energy and effort g. progressive era law to regulate industries that produced foods and other ingestibles h. business organization where owners controlled all the steps in production from raw materials to the sale of finished products i. later 19th century migration from southern and eastern europe, as well as asia and mexico j. organization that encouraged membership of skilled workers and fought for an eight-hour workday k. methods developed by those who studied factory conditions to encourage efficiency and greater profitability l. law passed to encourage settlers to move west and easily gain control of land m. organizations established in rural areas to fight for the rights of american farmers in the 1880s and 1890s n. 1886 working class meeting in chicago that ended in violence and the hanging of several anarchists o. group of unemployed laborers who marched from ohio to washington
d.c. in hopes that congress would pass legislation that would create jobs p. 1890 law passed by congress which attempted to limit the growth of corporations and their ability to restrain trade because of their broad reach q. religious belief that americans should work to improve conditions of life, especially for the less fortunate, in order to seek salvation in the hereafter r. pennsylvania miners protest that resulted in 13 deaths and the use of the state militia to restore order