Respuesta :

Belize is the Central American Country where English will be replaced with Spanish as the dominant language. Being that it used to be a part of the British colony, Belize had English as its official language. After its independence in 1981, Belize had slowly regained integrated back the Spanish language into their education system. Being that approximately 50% of Belizeans self-identify as Hispanic, the percentage of Spanish speakers are growing in number.


Spanish is spoken in all 7 Central American Countries however English remains the only Official language of Belize. (most Belizeans are bilingual) .Spanish is the official language of what Central American countries? Spanish is the Official language of the following 5 Central American countries: . Costa Rica . El Salvador . Guatemala . Honduras . Panama Spanish is a Primary language in Nicaragua. Mexico is not a Central American country. Spanish is the primary (but not official) language there as well.


Spanish is the language that is spoken in 7 Central American Countries. This still makes English as the official language of Belize. Apart from that there are 5 Central American countries where Spanish is the official language. These include the following Central American countries:

 El Salvador

Costa Rica



These are some Central American countries where Spanish is spoken as well.