Question 1
Which of the following is a nontimber forest product?
Question options:




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Question 2
When areas were deforested during the early Renaissance, what was the response?
Question options:

Plant new trees.

Use fires to clear underbrush and dead wood.

Move on to another forested area.

Apply selective tree harvesting to prevent further damage.
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Question 3
How can timber be renewed?
Question options:

starting a tree plantation

clear-cutting forest areas

starting a controlled fire

pruning old trees
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Question 4
Which is the most common method of tree harvesting for an even-aged forest stand?
Question options:

selective cutting of single trees

selective cutting of groups of trees

shelterwood cutting

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Question 5
Which of the following fire-management methods reduces outbreaks of pests and diseases?
Question options:

suppressing a fire at early stages

preventing fires

controlled burning

suppressing a fire altogether

Respuesta :

1. B. Turpentine
C. Move on to another forested area.
A. Starting a tree plantation
4. D.
5. C. Controlled burning

Forest products are defined as forest litter, fruits, resins, and forest trees. The non-timber forest products include products that are not derived from the woods. These have negative effects on the forest ecosystem, as they are used by people to meet the requirements of the community.

The correct answers are:

1. Turpentine

2. Move on to another forested area

3. Starting a tree plantation

4. Clear-cutting

5. Controlled burning

The non-timber forest products or NTFP are:

1. Turpentine is an antiparasitic substance, which is used to treat diseases like myiasis. It is obtained from the distillation of resins of trees like pines. It is not obtained from timber. Lumber, paper, and charcoal are all forest products.

2. Deforestation is the large-scale elimination of trees and plants. In the renaissance period, the demand for agricultural lands, colonization, and timber caused the increased removal of trees. The people in the renaissance period shifted to another forest area to meet the requirements of the community.

3. Timber is one of the sustainable and most used forest products. It is the ultimate renewable product and can be renewed by starting a tree plantation. Reforestation is one of the most effective ways to renew forest products.

4. Clear-cutting is the method of harvesting and regenerating forests. It involves clearing of trees from a forest site, and re-plantation of a new, even-age stand of timber is performed. Thus, a tree harvesting method for even-aged forest stand is clear-cutting.

5. Controlled-burning or prescribed burning is the method of burning forests to improve their health. The burns are scheduled for a given period of time and are not a threat to people and communities nearby. It is also done to reduce the outbreaks of pests and diseases. The high temperature eliminates the organisms and improves the health of the forest.

To know more about forest and forest products, refer to the following link: