Respuesta :
Aurora Jackson
5474 W. Left Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 57454
September 21, 2007
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
Dear Director Robert S. Mueller, III:
I am currently a Special Agent located in Baltimore, and am in the process of requesting transfer to NCAVC. Although I have been informed that these highly competitive positions are normally reserved for Special Agents with more experience than I have yet accumulated, I feel that my exceptional performance in the field warrants my consideration.
After graduating at the top of my class at Quantico, I promptly demonstrated excellent ability by solving my first assignment within a matter of days. Although the case had been open for almost six months, information I derived by scrutinizing the financial records of the key suspects led to their immediate arrest and conviction. Since then, my record has improved. As Assistant Director Walter Schmidt will attest, I have demonstrated the commitment, ability, and expertise of a Special Agent well beyond the expectations my relatively short experience would normally incur.
In particular, my ability to analyze information quickly and accurately�often resulting in extremely short case duration�lends itself to the needs of NCAVC. Time and again I have been called on in situations of extreme duress and apparent dead ends and produced results in a short period of time. In fact, several Special Agents in the NCAVC have called upon my abilities and expertise in a number of situations, in which I have produced the results I am accustomed to (see references).
Although I am going through regular channels in my application, I would greatly appreciate a quick review of my case history and demonstrated performance and perhaps a good word from your direction. I will contact you within a week to answer any questions. Thank you very much for your consideration.
Aurora Jackson