6. What line best describes who the speaker is and provides context for the rest of the poem?
A. I, too, sing America.
B. I am the darker brother.
C. They send me to eat in the kitchen.
D. When company comes.
7. What line best reflects the theme?
A. They send me to eat in the kitchen.
B. I am the darker brother.
C. But I laugh, eat well, and grow strong.
D. Besides, they'll see how beautiful I am and be ashamed--I, too, am America.
8. Based on textual support from the poem, what is the BEST interpretation of the poem's message?
A. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
B. All races of people are beautiful and should be considered a part of America.
C. Racism is wrong.
D. Love stinks.
9. The previous poem, "I, Too" by Langston Hughes is a reaction to Walt Whitman's version of America presented in this poem. How is the theme or message different in this poem?
A. The speaker's view of America is much more positive.
B. There is no real difference in theme.
C. There are people singing.
D. The speaker's view of America is much more negative.
10. What is the BEST theme for "I Hear America Singing?"
A. patriotism
B. Praising the productivity of individuals and being content with one's chosen occupation in life.
C. freedom
D. The American Dream