1. A theme is...
A. a universal idea that should be supported with textual evidence
B. a thing like family or courage
C .a powerful message that does not need textual evidence because you feel it
D. usually one word or idea

2. What is NOT an example of theme?

A. Never judge a book by its cover.
B. Slow and steady wins the race.
C. There's no place like home.
D. Bravery

3. A topic or central idea is the...

A. subject or idea dealt with in the text.
B. broader and less specific version of theme.
C. the subject or idea dealt with in the text AND the broader and less specific version of theme (first two answers are BOTH correct).
D. None of the above

4. Since the reader holds the meaning of a text in his/her interpretation, he/she should try to support the theme choice with evidence from the text.


5. "Love" is a theme because it has no opinion, whereas "Love Stinks" is a topic or subject because you're forming an opinion or universal idea about love.