“ . . . Colonel Cresap, the last spring, in cold blood, and unprovoked, murdered all the relations of Logan [Tahgahjute], not even sparing my women and children. There runs not a drop of my blood in the veins of any living creature. This called on me for revenge. I have sought it: I have killed many: I have fully glutted my vengeance: for my country I rejoice at the beams of peace. But do not harbour a thought that mine is the joy of fear. Logan never felt fear. He will not turn on his heel to save his life. Who is there to mourn for Logan?—Not one.” –Tahgahjute, Mingo chief, 1774 Read the quote and then answer the question below This passage indicates how important _____ is for this Native American leader. a. powerful allies c. good friends and trade b. favorable treaties d. heirs and blood relatives

Respuesta :

The answer to that question lies in answer choice d. heirs and blood relatives