Respuesta :
We'll use several concepts, namely:
- The simple present tense is used to talk about habitual actions or routines and to describe things that happens now or in the near future
- We use Reflexive Pronouns with a verb to point out that a person carries out an action to or for himself or herself. See the Table below
- ser is uded to talk about permanent or lasting attributes. In this way, this verb stands for descriptions, occupations, characteristics, time, origin and relationships
- estar is used to indicate temporary states and locations. In this way, this verb stands for position, location, action, condition, and emotion
12 Right answer
se despierta
Mi padre se despierta a las siete
se is the reflexive pronoun for the third person singular. Also, despierta is the conjugation of the verb despertar for the third person singular in the simple present
13 Right answer
me pongo
Yo me pongo un vestido y unas sandalias
me is the reflexive pronoun for the first person singular. Also, pongo is the conjugation of the verb poner for the first person singular in the simple present
14 Right answer
se despiertan
Mis hermanos se despiertan a las siete.
se is the reflexive pronoun for the third person plural. Also, despiertan is the conjugation of the verb despertar for the third person plural in the simple present.
15 Right answer
te diviertes
Tú te diviertes mucho en la fiesta
te is the reflexive pronoun for the second person singular. Also, diviertes is the conjugation of the verb divertir for the second person singular in the simple present
16 Right answer
se acuesta
Ud. se acuesta a las once y media
se is also the reflexive pronoun for the second person singular (formal you - usted). Also, acuesta is the conjugation of the verb acostar for the second person singular (formal you) in the simple present.
17 Right answer
Nosotros somos ingleses
somos is the conjugation of the verb ser for the first person plural in the simple present. This verb is being used as description, where it describes the nationality of some people
18 Right answer
Tú eres muy alto
eres is the conjugation of the verb ser for the second person singular in the simple present. This verb is being used as description as well, but it describes a physical description of a person
19 Right answer
Yo estoy en el comedor ahora
estoy is the conjugation of the verb estar for the first person singular in the simple present. This verb is being used as location. describing where a person or thing is permanently or temporarily.
20 Right answer
Tú estás en la escuela.
estás is the conjugation of the verb estar for the second person singular in the simple present. Here this verb is being used as location as well.
21 Right answer
Hoy es martes.
When telling the date of the week, we use the verb ser conjugated as the third person singular es. So the formula to tell the day of the week is:
Hoy + es + day of the week
22 Right answer
Los amigos son italianos
son is the conjugation of the verb ser for the third person plural in the simple present. Here this verb is being used as description, where it describes the nationality of some people as well.
23 Right answer
Miguel está en la playa
está is the conjugation of the verb estar for the third person singular in the simple present. Here this verb is being used as location as well
24 Right answer
Ud. es muy simpático
es is the conjugation of the verb ser for the second person singular (formal you - usted) in the simple present. Here this verb is being used as description, describing a physical description of a person as well
25 Right answer
Tú eres muy inteligente
eres is the conjugation of the verb ser for the second person singular in the simple present. Here this verb is being used as characteristic, describing the personality of a person
26 Right answer
Mi hermano y yo estamos en la cocina ahora
estamos is the conjugation of the verb estar for the third person plural in the simple present. Here this verb is being used as location as well
27 Right answer
Estoy en el comedor.
The question ¿Dónde estás? means where are you? so this question must be answered matching location. In this way, we need to use the conjugation of the verb estar for the first-person singular, that is, estoy
28 Right answer
Estoy en el dormitorio.
As well as in 28, we need to use the same conjugation of the verb estar, that is, estoy
29 Right answer
Elías se levanta todos los días a las 6 a.m. Se ducha y se viste antes de ir a trabajar. Cuando llega se pone el casco y se dirige a la planta. Él se destaca como uno de los mejores ingenieros de la empresa. Trabaja hasta las 8 p.m. Llega a su casa a las 9 p.m. A las 10 de la noche se acuesta