Chronological thinking is when you
A Use graphs to organize information

B drawl lessons from history and see how it affects life today

C Put events in sequence and make connections based on continuity and charge

D see history as stories people share to think about who they are

Respuesta :

C, put events in order


C Put events in sequence and make connections based on continuity and charge


The word chronological comes from the union of the Greek words chronos (χρόνος) that means "time" and logos (λóγος) that means word or thought. For what comes to mean that which is thought according to time or, more precisely, that which obeys the evolution of time.

Things ordered chronologically, then, will obey the logical succession of the seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years or centuries, as appropriate. This order can be forward (from the past to the present) or inverse (from present to past).