Analyze the following law from the Code of Hammurabi, the legal code used in ancient Babylon. 150. If a man give his wife a field, garden, and house and a deed therefor, if then after the death of her husband the sons raise no claim, then the mother may bequeath all to one of her sons whom she prefers, and need leave nothing to his brothers. Code of Hammurabi What does this text indicate about Babylonian society? A.After death, men were still expected to provide for surviving wives and children. B.A widow was not expected to have the ability to earn a living. C.The firstborn son was more important than the others. D.Daughters did not have the right to inherit property.

Respuesta :

the correct answer is daughters did not have the right to inherit property;)

Code of Hammurabi text indicate about Babylonian society that Daughters did not have the right to inherit property.

Who are daughters?

A daughter is a female child; a woman or girl in the eyes of her parents. Being someone's son is the state of being a daughter. Son is the masculine counterpart. Similar to how relationships between groups or elements are shown, the name is employed in a number of contexts. A child is a first cousin related in a biological sense.

The word "daughter" also carries a variety of meanings, one of which being the usage of a female descendent or consanguinity. It can also be a phrase of affection spoken by an older person. Daughters typically have different or less familial privileges than sons in patriarchal settings. A family may choose to have men instead of girls and commit female infanticide on the female offspring.

What is property?

Property refers to both the set of rights that would provide people legal authority over valuable items as well as the actually valuable items themselves. Depending on the property's nature, the owner may be able to consume, modify, share, redefine, rent, personal loan, pawn, sell, exchange, exchange, give away, or even abandon the property; however, regardless of the property's nature, the owner is always entitled to use the property in accordance with the bestowed property rights. Private property, government property, and communal property are the three major types of property in economics and political economy (also called cooperative property). Property that is owned by many parties jointly may.

To learn more about property here