I believe that Christopher Columbus should be commemorated, not as the person who discovered North America, but as the enabling force that unleashed strong entrepreneurial spirit in exploring the American continent and started its development towards where it is today. While I realize the evil nature of slavery and the atrocities that were committed towards countless native Americans. I believe that the implication of modern institutions based on western civilization across North America ultimately led and still leads to a constant optimization and liberalization of numerous social matters such as the right for women to vote, lifting the ban on segregation and LGBT rights. Therefore I believe that the most elegant way to commemorate him is to honor his achievements that were. Among other things the creation of nourishing grounds for one of the greatest democracies and the enabling of a melting pot of ideas, ideals, and cultures of peoples who came to America with the objective to free themselves from famine, but also tyranny and oppression. I view critically upon his morals and most of all his motives, consequently I believe that Columbus Day should be an educational day, one for every person, every family and every community to look, both critically and impartially upon Columbus and his legacy.