Respuesta :
The answer to number 6 is B. The next one is B. And the next one is A. And A and B
6. Option A
7. Option A
8. Option A
9. Option C
10. Option B
Before answering our questions, we have to remember that a THESIS is a specific sentence that expresses what the writer wants to say. There are some characteristics that a good thesis have to take into account:
1. To be punctual: To be able to solve a problem or develop an investigation/action plan, the thesis has to be specific. Producing general thesis is a mistake that could stop the correct process.
2. To be ascertainable: The investigator/writer/person with a problem should be able to check if the objectives were achieved or not.
3. To be consistent: It has to be some logic in our thesis sentence. It cannot be contradictory or meaningless because it will be hindering its subsequent verification.
Now that we know what a good THESIS have to take into account we can proceed to answer our questions:
6. The local sheriff is giving a speech to warn teenagers about the dangers of sexting. Here is his thesis for the speech:
If you sext, the wrong person can see your photographs. How should the sheriff revise this thesis statement?
The correct option is A: THE SHERIFF’S THESIS IS TOO SPECULATIVE because, following our three main rules, it is not totally ascertainable. The explanation is related to the fact that it is not a rule that if you sext, it will be a person that you don’t want seeing your photos. To fix its thesis the sheriff could be working in reformulating it considering its consistency and testability.
7. Elizabeth needs to analyze a web site in order to make recommendations for a redesign. Consider her working thesis statement:
The web site discourages deeper exploration because too few elements lead to pages within the site and too many elements compete for attention. How should Elizabeth revise this thesis statement?
The correct option is A: SHE SHOULD MAKE HER THESIS MORE BLAND AND OBVIOUS because doing it involves that she has to attend the specificity of its phrase. We can see that in her case she has already found two problems:
1. The web site is not working in order to encourage costumers
2. Too many elements compete for attention
These two problems could be considered as its general objectives because they are what she wants to change, so its general thesis has to be more OBVIOUS understanding this word as PUNCTUAL and CONSISTENT.
8. Gary is working on an assignment explaining the importance of using seat belts. Here is a draft of his thesis statement:
Being safe in the car is an important practice. How should Gary revise the thesis statement?
The correct answer is A: HE SHOULD NARROW IT because although we all know that it is important being safe it is an important practice, there are so many practices that we can do to make it possible, using seat belts is just one of them. So he should specify since the beginning that he will be talking about the use of seatbelts.
9. Ling has decided that she wants to quit her job She is working on her letter of resignation. Consider her working thesis statement:
I cannot wait to be free from this job. Which of the following options is the best revision of the thesis statement?
The correct option is C: BECAUSE OF THE HOURS THAT I AM FORCED TO WORK, I AM QUITTING; the explanation is related to the freedom concept that suggests us that she is not happy with her work’s schedule. What she needs to do is to make her thesis more specific, this implies that she needs to add the reason why she’s quitting.
10. Humberto needs to contact Amazon about problems with his order. Consider his working thesis statement for his e-mail of complaint: It was broken. What is the most effective revision of this statement?
The correct option is B: MY EXPEDITED ORDER (#123456789) FOT HE AMAZON FIRE WAS BROKEN WHEN IT ARRIVED, AND I NEED A NEW ONE WITH FREE EXPEDITED SHIPPING. This thesis meets the 3 main characteristics that we had enunciated: to be punctual, to be ascertainable and to be consistent. Just reading it we know all what he needs to receive from Amazon and what was the initial problem.