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Agriculture and fisheries are highly dependent on the climate. Increases in temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) can increase some crop yields in some places. But to realize these benefits, nutrient levels, soil moisture, water availability, and other conditions must also be met. Changes in the frequency and severity of droughts and floods could pose challenges for farmers and ranchers and threaten food safety. Meanwhile, warmer water temperatures are likely to cause the habitat ranges of many fish and shellfish species to shift, which could disrupt ecosystems. Overall, climate change could make it more difficult to grow crops, raise animals, and catch fish in the same ways and same places as we have done in the past. The effects of climate change also need to be considered along with other evolving factors that affect agricultural production, such as changes in farming practices and technology.

Soil type will influence crop cultivation because different crops prefer different soils.Clay soils with their high water retention are well suited to rice whilst sandy soils with good drainage are good for root vegetables. Soil type can be influenced through the input of lime, clay or fertilizer but this can only make limited differences.

Every major advance in agriculture has allowed global population to increase. Early farmers could settle down to a steady food supply. Irrigation, the ability to clear large swaths of land for farming efficiently, and the development of farm machines powered by fossil fuels allowed people to grow more food and transport it to where it was needed.