Bernard did not glance at the visiting card given by his Chinese client and simply stuffed it in his pocket. Which socio cultural factor of global trade did he violate? language religion behavior corruption discrimination

Respuesta :

behavior I'm pretty sure

Bernard did not glance at the visiting card given by his Chinese client and simply stuffed it in his pocket. Which sociocultural factor of global trade did he violate? Language.

Sociocultural factors are lifestyles, customs and values that are based on each society. Sociocultural factors include, aesthetics, education, language, law and politics, religion, social organizations, technology and material culture, values and attitudes. Based on the fact that Bernard did not even glance at the visiting card for his Chinese client, he will likely not understand how to speak to his client. Different cultures have social norms and ways of speaking. Something that may not be disrespectful in one culture is in another so by not knowing what could offend is client, he may do it.