Respuesta :

Interesting question! I never thought of it before.

1. It is used in things like bottled water.
2. It is used on the roads to help melt snow in winter.
3. It is used in pickles because it has a very salty taste. That's a good use for it for people that have high blood pressure.
4. It is used in swimming pools as a water hardener. I like in the country and I cannot imagine water needing to be hardened. You should see what our humidifies look like. Calcium is a really ugly deposit. It's hard to get off things. I wonder what it does to our intestines and stomach from all the water we drink.
5. It is used as a drying agent. Those little packages you get in pill bottles (you may be too young to seen this sort of thing) could be calcium chloride which will keep the moisture away from your pills.

That should get you going.