In the 1920s, controversies over Prohibition, the
National Origins Act, and the Scopes trial all
reflected disagreement over the
(1) effects of demobilization
(2) cultural values of the American people
(3) role of the federal government in the economy
(4) influence of labor unions on American life

Respuesta :

Good Morning! The problems arising and promoting the Prohibition, the National Origins Act, and the Scopes Trial cases stem from cultural issues of the American population. The case of Scopes, for example, deals with issues concerning the teaching of Evolution, while reflecting the importance of considering the nation as a whole, since it provided light on small towns and without federal consideration. The National Origins Act, on the other hand, in dealing with the limitation of immigration, ends up demonstrating the interests in the maintenance of a hegemonic culture in the USA. Correct answer: number 02. Hugs!


