Respuesta :
Take the absolute value of 10.0 - 8.90/10.0 to get 0.11 then multiply that by 100 percent to get 11 percent
The % error is = 11.0 %
percentage error = (Exact value -Approximate value) / exact amount x100
Approximate value = 8.9 g
Exact value = 10.0 g
Percentage error is therefore = {(10.0 - 8.9) /10.0} x100
(1.1 g/ 10.0) x100 = 0.11 x100 = 11.0%
percentage error = (Exact value -Approximate value) / exact amount x100
Approximate value = 8.9 g
Exact value = 10.0 g
Percentage error is therefore = {(10.0 - 8.9) /10.0} x100
(1.1 g/ 10.0) x100 = 0.11 x100 = 11.0%