Respuesta :
Romeo just falls for a fair face that is available. I believe that he chose Juliet not just for her beauty, but because she was a Capulet, and was set to be wed. What better way to cause a scene and get back at the Capulet's? Romeo say an opportunity and took it and Juliet got taken along for the ride.
I hope some of that helps you.
"Romeo and Juliet" is a tragic, romantic play that was written by William Shakespeare, and it was believed to first have been published between 1591 and 1595. It is probably one of the best known, and most interpreted of Shakespeare´s plays. It narrates the live stories of two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, who meet by chance, fall in love really fast, and then sacrifice their very lives for the sake of that love.
When analyzing the character of Romeo, one cannot help but have the feeling that he is a man of strong, deep, passionate emotions, but he is also too immature, and given to act before he thinks what is right. However, one thing that is absolutely outstanding is his love for Juliet.
Criticizing whether the love of Romeo for Juliet was nothing more than infatuation, can at first glance be conceived, when first, in the opening act, you hear about Romeo falling in love with Rosaline, and when he is rejected by her, he goes to a party where he meets Juliet; a party thrown by Juliet´s family, Romeo´s family´s greatest enemies. As soon as he sees her, he forgets all about Rosaline, and immediately engages Juliet.
Also, another criticism made to Romeo is how fast he goes from infatuation, to claiming full, undying love and without much knowledge of who exactly Juliet is, simply falls for her immense beauty and gentleness. These elements show a man who loves superficially at best; but this is only initially.
Later on, as that love between the two of them is tried by the killing of Tybalt, Juliet´s cousin, by Romeo, and his sentencing to exile, Romeo demonstrates that his love for Juliet is real, that it is much deeper than it may have seem at first. And after meeting Juliet, he never again thinks of looking at another woman again and he chooses to die, rather than live, when he thinks that Juliet has passed away.