Based on Reference Table S, the atoms of which of these elements have the strongest attraction for electrons in a chemical bond?
(1) N (3) P
(2) Na (4) Pt

Respuesta :

Answer is (1) - N


I think the given chart is electronegativity chart.

Electronegativity is a value that tells us how an atom can attract electrons towards itself. If the electronegativity is high, then the attraction to the electrons is high unless the attraction to the electrons is low.

Electronegativity increases from left to right of the periodic table and decreases from up to down. 
Hence, highest electronegative atom is F which has 4.0 and lowest electronegative atoms are Cs and Fr (0.7).

The electronegativity values for given atoms are
  N - 3.0
  Na - 0.9
  P - 2.1
  Pt - 2.2

[tex]\boxed{\left( 1 \right){\text{ N}}}[/tex] will have the strongest attraction for electrons in a chemical bond.

Further Explanation:


It is the property of an element due to which the shared pair of electrons is attracted towards itself in a chemical bond. More the electronegativity of the element, stronger will be the attraction for electrons and vice-versa. Halogens are highly electronegative in nature as they just one more electron to complete their octet so they have extremely high tendency for electron acceptance.

Periodic trends:

Along a period, electronegativity increase from left to right as number of protons are increasing with the increase in atomic number of the succeeding members.

Down the group, electronegativity decreases from top to bottom as the outermost electrons are situated far apart from the atomic nucleus due to increasing size of the succeeding members.

The electronegativity of N is 3.0.

The electronegativity of P is 2.1.

The electronegativity of Na is 0.9.

The electronegativity of Pt is 2.2.

Nitrogen has the highest electronegativity value among the given elements so it has the strongest attractions for electrons in a chemical bond. Therefore option (1) is the correct answer.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Periodic properties of elements

Subject: Chemistry

Keywords: N, P, Na, Pt, chemical bond, electronegativity, attraction, option (1), 2.2, 0.9, 3.0, 2.1, electrons, chemical bond, strongest attractions.