when it comes to dividing decimals, bear in mind that, first off you'd want to do away with the decimal point.
now, "you add as many zeros to the other term, as it has decimals", what the heck does that mean?
for example 2.135 ÷ 5
notice, the 2.135 has three decimals, namely three numbers to the right of the decimal point.
since 2.135 has three decimals, then what we do, we add three zeros to 5, AND do away with the decimal point, thus our division is really
2135 ÷ 5000, which is 0.427
now, if we had 2.135 ÷ 5.79
what we do is, since 2.135 has three decimals, we add three zeros to 5.79, and since 5.79 has two decimals, we add two zeros to 2.135, then our division is really
213500 ÷ 579000 <-- notice, no dot on both
which is about 0.3687392
anyhow, that said, check the picture below