Respuesta :

According to Mrs. Whatsit, The dark thing is creating chaos and violence.


In A Wrinkle in Time, the conflict throughout the book is that Charles Wallace and Meg's father is missing in space. The setting in the book changes throughout the story. At first, it's at the Murry's house, then it's throughout the solar system. It appears as a dark shadow surrounding certain planets in the universe. Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin must fight the Black Thing in order to rescue Mr. Murray from his imprisonment on the planet of Camazotz, which is one of the dark planets under the control of this force of evil. The Black Thing is the power of evil, even Evil itself.  L'Engle presents darkness as the absence of light, rather than just nothingness.  Dark is totally opposite of light. Earth is presented as a "shadowed" planet, in which the darkness surrounds it, but has not gained total control over it.  This is the cosmic battle of light versus darkness, good vesus evil. The earth can be turned into a zombie-like stated planet just like Camazotz.

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