Indicate what operation or operations each problem calls for; then, solve the problem.

Mount Rainier is 14,410 feet high. Mount McKinley is 20,320 feet high. How much taller is Mount McKinley?

If Babe Ruth averaged 46 home runs per year, how many home runs did he hit in 12 years?

What’s the difference between paying $10,000 cash for a car or paying a loan of $200 per month for 60 months?

Ken sold $700 worth of digital cameras, $2,394 worth of laptops, and $833 worth of vacuum cleaners. Digital cameras cost $175 each, laptops cost $399 each, and vacuum cleaners cost $119 each. If Ken earns a $35 commission for each sale, how much did he earn in commissions in all?

A parking garage owner has spaces for 70 cars and charges each driver $6 per day for parking. If the garage is full, how much more would the garage owner make if he charged $8 per day?

Regina has $25 to buy groceries. She needs 3 cans of dog food, a gallon of milk, 5 pounds of chicken, a box of cereal, and 6 rolls of paper towels. The prices of the items are as follows: dog food—$1.50 a can; milk—$4 a gallon; chicken—$1.55 a pound; cereal—$2.75 a box; paper towels—99 cents a roll. Will Regina have enough money for all the items she needs? If not, how much more will she need? (Note: Remember that there are 100 cents in a dollar.)

Respuesta :

1) Mount Rainier is 14,410 feet high. Mount McKinley is 20,320 feet high. How much taller is Mount McKinley?

requires subtraction operation
Mount Rainier is ---------------------------14,410 feet high
Mount McKinley is -------------------------20,320 feet high

20320-14410=5910 feet hight
Mount McKinley is 5910 feet hight much taller

2) If Babe Ruth averaged 46 home runs per year, how many home runs did he hit in 12 years?
requires multiplication operation
46 home runs per --------------------year
X----------------------------------------12 year
x=12*46=552 home runs in 12 years

3) What’s the difference between paying $10,000 cash for a car or paying a loan of $200 per month for 60 months?

requires multiplication operation
requires subtraction operation

paying  cash------------------------------------------------------$10,000 
 $200 per month for 60 months----------------------200*60=$12,000 
the difference is $2000

Ken sold $700 worth of digital cameras, $2,394 worth of laptops, and $833 worth of vacuum cleaners. Digital cameras cost $175 each, laptops cost $399 each, and vacuum cleaners cost $119 each. If Ken earns a $35 commission for each sale, how much did he earn in commissions in all?

requires division operation
requires multiplication operation
requires sum operation

 digital cameras------------------------$700/175=4-------4*35=$140
vacuum cleaners------------------------$833/119=7------7*35=$245
he earn in commissions-----------140+210+245=$595

5) A parking garage owner has spaces for 70 cars and charges each driver $6 per day for parking. If the garage is full, how much more would the garage owner make if he charged $8 per day?

requires multiplication operation
requires subtraction operation

 70 cars*6=$420
70 cars*8=$560

6) Regina has $25 to buy groceries. She needs 3 cans of dog food, a gallon of milk, 5 pounds of chicken, a box of cereal, and 6 rolls of paper towels. The prices of the items are as follows: dog food—$1.50 a can; milk—$4 a gallon; chicken—$1.55 a pound; cereal—$2.75 a box; paper towels—99 cents a roll. Will Regina have enough money for all the items she needs? If not, how much more will she need?

requires multiplication operation
requires sum operation

3 cans of dog food----------------------$1.50*3=4.50
1 gallon of milk-------------------------$4 *1=4
5 pounds of chicken----------------$1.55*5=7.75
1 box of cereal,---------------------$2.75*1=2.75
6 rolls of paper---------------------$0.99*6=5.94


24.94<25 Regina have enough money for all the items 


A good answer should contain the following:


\cancel2019,\cancel31320−14 , 4 10−−−−−−−−−5  , 9 10

Answer: Mount McKinley is 5,910 feet taller.


416×   12−−−−−92+ 460−−−−−552

Answer: He hit 552 home runs in 12 years.

Multiplication and Subtraction

$     200×       60−−−−−−−$12,000

$12,000−10,000−−−−−−−$  2,000

Multiply to find the total amount of the loan, then subtract to compare the two totals. Answer: You'll pay $2,000 more by taking the loan.

Division, Addition, and Multiplication

$700 ÷ 175 per digital camera = 4 digital cameras sold

$2,394 ÷ $399 per laptop = 6 laptops sold

$833 ÷ $119 per vacuum cleaner = 7 vacuum cleaners sold

Divide each total by the cost item to find how many items were sold.

4 digital cameras + 6 laptops + 7 vacuum cleaners = 17 sales

17 sales × $35 commission per sale = $595

Add to find the total number of sales, then multiply to find the amount of commissions. Answer: Ken earned $595 in commissions.

Multiplication and Subtraction

70×    6−−−−$420  (cars)  (cost per day)

70×    8−−−−$560  (cars)  (cost per day)

$ 560− 420−−−−−$ 140

Answer: The owner will make $140 more by charging $8 per day.

Multiplication, Addition, Division, and Subtraction

3 cans of dog food × $1.50 = $4.50, or 450 cents

1 gallon of milk × $4 = $4, or 400 cents

5 pounds of chicken × $1.55 = $7.75, or 775 cents

1 box of cereal × $2.75 = $2.75, or 275 cents

6 rolls of paper towels × 99 cents = $5.94, or 594 cents

4251,0400775275+  594−−−−−2,494

24r94100  2494     −200−−−−        494     −400−−−−     94      

$  2\cancel54.\cancel0109\cancel010− 2 4 . 9  4 −−−−−−−−−−$        . 0  6

Multiply to find the total cost for each item, then add to find the total cost of the groceries. Divide by 100 to change the amount in cents to dollars. Compare the total to the amount Regina has. Answer: Regina will have enough money for her groceries; they will cost $24.94, and she has $25.00. Regina will have 6 cents remaining.

Step-by-step explanation: