Viking Motivations Scandinavia was very cold and made agriculture difficult. It was also becoming very overcrowded. Monks on the English island of Lindisfarne are surprised by violent raiders from the sea. This is the first record of Viking raids. Viking migrated from Scandinavia in the Summer to look for resources. Polynesian Motivation Scientists estimate that the sweet potato was introduced to Polynesia by 700 CE which supports theories that they had traded with South America. Polynesians wanted to explore and trade to get resources that they didn't have on their islands.

Respuesta :

Viking Motivations
Scandinavia was very cold and made agriculture difficult. It was also becoming very overcrowded. Monks on the English island of Lindisfarne are surprised by violent raiders from the sea. This is the first record of Viking raids. Viking migrated from Scandinavia in the Summer to look for resources.
Polynesian Motivation
Scientists estimate that the sweet potato was introduced to Polynesia by 700 CE which supports theories that they had traded with South America. Polynesians wanted to explore and trade to get resources that they didn't have on their islands. 
Viking Techniques
Vikings had really long, strong ships made of oak that contained one mast and a square sail. They were often called "dragon" ships because they often had carved dragons protruding from the ends. In 836, a fleet of possibly 35 Viking ships invade Devon which is in England. 
Polynesian techniques
The Polynesians used deep-sea voyaging canoes and oral sailing traditions such as songs about stars for navigation. A Polynesian canoe was found that had been buried in mud when a tsunami hit the island of Huahine near Tahiti somewhere between 850 and 1100.
Polynesian Extent of Exploration
By 1,000 CE, the Polynesians had already reached South America and returned. The Polynesians reached places as far as modern California, as evidenced by fish hooks.
Viking Extent of Migration
In 1,001 it is believed that Leif Erikkson reached the American coast. The Vikings are said to have reached North America about 500 years before anyone else.
Reasons for end of Polynesian Migration
The Polynesians stopped going and coming back, instead, they started settling in places like Hawaii, which was settled 1000 and 1300. The Polynesians' last stop in the Pacific was in the Cahtham Islands in 1300
Reason for Vikings End of Migration
The Vikings slowly became integrated with European cultures and Scandinavian countries were converted to Christianity. Many European coastal cities became more fortified and were better equipped to protect themselves aganist Viking raids. A common marker for the end of the "Viking Era" is 1006, which is the year of the last major Viking incursion into Europe. It was the Battle of Stamford Bridge where the Norwegian King Haraldr attempted to reclaim a portion of England and lost.
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