Respuesta :
Choose two themes that would be appropriate for thematic time lines of important events from prehistory to A.D. 1600. Write these themes below.
Theme 1: _Literature_____________________________________
Write five events for each of the two themes you chose.
Theme 1: _Literature_____________________________________
Event 1: _475 B.C. - Aeschylus, Athens’ first great dramatist, writes powerful tragedies. ______________
Event 2: _1321 - Dante completes The Divine Comedy. _______________________________________
Event 3: _1455 - The first Gutenberg Bibles are printed in Germany. _____________________________
Event 4: _1513 - In The Prince, Machiavelli tells rulers how to maintain power. _____________________
Event 5: _1600 - In England, William
Shakespeare writes the great tragedy Hamlet. _________________