Respuesta :

Two themes could be warfare and religion.

Choose two themes that would be appropriate for thematic time lines of important events from prehistory to A.D. 1600. Write these themes below.


Theme 1: _Literature_____________________________________  

Write five events for each of the two themes you chose.


Theme 1: _Literature_____________________________________

Event 1: _475 B.C. - Aeschylus, Athens’ first great dramatist, writes powerful tragedies. ______________

Event 2: _1321 - Dante completes The Divine Comedy. _______________________________________

Event 3: _1455 - The first Gutenberg Bibles are printed in Germany. _____________________________

 Event 4: _1513 - In The Prince, Machiavelli tells rulers how to maintain power. _____________________

Event 5: _1600 - In England, William Shakespeare writes the great tragedy Hamlet. _________________