Respuesta :

The statement "By default, the pfSense firewall allows unrestricted outbound access from the lan interface" is true.

pfSense is free and open source firewall and router that can be installed on a physical computer or a virtual machine. Teh goal is to make the machine a dedicated firewall/router for a network.

 It features unified threat management, load balancing, multi WAN etc.

Statement is true: It is free and open source firewall and router that can be installed on a physical computer or a  virtual machine.  The statement "By default, the pfSense firewall allows unrestricted outbound access from the  lan interface" is true.

Further Explanation:

  • Firewall rules control what traffic is allowed to enter an interface on the firewall. Once traffic is  passed on the interface it enters an entry in the state table is created. A state table entry allows  through subsequent packets that are part of that connection.  Firewall rules on Interface and Group tabs process traffic in the Inbound direction and are  processed from the top down, stopping at the first match. Where no user-configured firewall  rules match, traffic is denied. Rules on the LAN interface allowing the LAN subnet to any  destination come by default. Only what is explicitly allowed via firewall rules will be passed.  But the pfSense firewall allows unrestricted outbound access from the LAN interface.  
  • Firewall rules are managed at Firewall > Rules. Multiple rules may be selected for some actions  by clicking on their row or checking the box at the start of their row. Rules may be deleted or  reordered in bulk in this way.  On the Firewall Rules page, there is a tab for each interface, plus a tab for each active VPN type (IPsec,  OpenVPN, PPTP), and a tab for Floating Rules which contains more advanced rules that apply to  multiple interfaces and directions.

Learn more:

  • Define lan wan & man

Keywords: LAN, firewall, pfSense, VPN, interface