Examine the circuit. Pretend you are an electron flowing through this circuit and you are with a group of other electrons. Suddenly you come to the ‘fork in the road’ and you and some of the other electrons are temporarily separated. A short while later you are back together with the other electrons. This type of circuit is called a(n) ____________ circuit.


Respuesta :


You knew that this question is ridiculously easy.  So, just to
make it harder, you decided not to let us see the picture, so
that we could not "examine the circuit".

The description is talking about a parallel circuit.  The other
kind is a series circuit, and that one has no forks in the road.




In an electric circuit a ‘fork in the road’ appears in a parallel configuration. This kind of circuit is characterized by the different currents each 'road' take after the bifurcation, depending on the different resistance each one has. The voltage remains the same for every 'road'.