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i don't even know how to answer this I'm just extremely bored don't hate me for this but I'm just gonna go ahead and talk about me and my problem with my crush so a couple months ago I got a crush for the second time in my entire life and I'm going to marry him but he doesn't know it yet(;一_一)anyways so my friends kept pushing me into him and we r in 7th grade and he is in 8th like come on we r not in 2nd grade so I can tell he was getting annoyed and one time he even sed watch it in the quietest sweetest voice ever(ಥ﹏ಥ)so I was like Ok guys stop and they still try to push me but I don't let then but anyways I could also tell he got annoyed when I look at him so I stopped and now he the one looking and me and he started to walk rly close to me to and wherever I go I always see him I'm so happy. (ಥ﹏ಥ)so ya and then I finally gathered up the courage to follow him on instagram and my friends are telling me to dm him but idk if I want to... mabey I should just let him come to me idk but ya that's what's happening baiiiiii.(´・ω・`)