Which production of The Tempest makes Caliban more monstrous? A. The Balinese production, because Caliban's face is hairy and he has clawlike hands B. The Balinese production, because Caliban is shown as larger than Prospero C. The Utah Valley University production, because Caliban is shown locked up in chains and aggressive D. The Utah Valley University production, because Caliban is pathetic and terrified

Respuesta :

It is A) The Balinese production because Caliban's face is hairy and he has clawlike hands

The correct answer is the letter A. The Balinese production, because Caliban's  face is hairy and he has clawlike hands.

By being monstrous this means, as per the Collins dictionary, this means it is extremely frightening because it appears unnatural or ugly. In this case, for a human to have a hairy face and clawlike hands, can be considered as unnatural or ugly.