Respuesta :

Prewriting: find your idea and build on it.

Writing: this is a rough draft don't focus on grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Revision: in this stage, you will/ can add, rearrange, remove and replace parts of your work

Editing: this step is a final check. reread everything and fix what inconsistencies you see. this step is similar to revision.

Publishing: you have finished your work, now you can turn it into a Publisher.


1. Prewriting


Writing the first draft

Revising and editing


Presenting (going public or publishing)

2. purpose, medium, audience

3. infinitive verb

4. Brainstorming: Make a list of any ideas that come to mind about your general topic.

Webbing: In the middle of a piece of paper, write your topic and circle it. Write and circle other ideas as they come to mind, connecting them with lines.

Freewriting: Without stopping, write sentence after sentence about your topic—whatever comes to mind.

Researching: Collect information from outside sources.

Journal keeping: Write in a journal every day, and turn to it when you’re looking for topic ideas.
