
Match each event with a direct effect that it led to.
A. the creation of the Duma
and a Russian constitution
B. pogroms against Jews and
persecution of other
C. the Decembrist Revolt

1. people's discontent with the
appointment of Nicholas I to
the throne

2. ethnic nationalistic policy introduced
under Alexander III

3. general strike in most of Russia

Respuesta :

The correct answer is the following:

  1. The Decembrist Revolt, that occurred on December 25th of 1825 in St Petersburg was a dirrect effect of the people's discontent with the appointment of Nicholas I to the throne.
  2. The pogroms against Jews and persecution of other minorities were a direct consequence of the ethnic nationalistic policy introduced by Alexander III.
  3. The creation of the Duma and a Russian constitution was a consequence of a general strike that took part in most of Russia.


Scraight from Plato


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